Mark Your Calendar - Key dates for Ecomm in 2024

We all know planning is key - so let’s start the year right by planning your marketing strategies around significant dates in the eComm Marketing calendar.  

Here are the most important ones to get you started! 

January - New Year

A great time to promote products related to health, wellness or making a fresh start or a makeover.

Valentine's Day (February 14, 2024):

As the first major eCommerce event of the year, Valentine's Day presents a prime opportunity to showcase products and services that cater to the theme of love and affection. 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (Third Monday in January) (USA):

Sales and promotional events often take place during this long weekend.

President's Day (USA) (Third Monday in February):

A long weekend with sales and promotions for honoring the leaders.

International Women’s Day (8 March 2024)

Whether you use it as a reason to talk about your brand or not, it’s an important date on the cultural calendar

Mothers Day (UK): 10 March 2024

Chance to market products that make for thoughtful gifts. Develop targeted campaigns highlighting items suitable for mothers, grandmothers, and other maternal figures.

Spring Sales (March-April 2024):

An ideal time for ecommerce businesses to launch sales and promotions themed around renewal or growth

Easter Weekend (March 29 - 1 April, 2024):

Easter-themed promotions and sales.

Mother's Day (US/AUS/NZ) (May 12, 2024)

Chance to market products that make for thoughtful gifts. Develop targeted campaigns highlighting items suitable for mothers, grandmothers, and other maternal figures.

May Bank Holidays (UK) (6 May, 27 May):

Sales coincide with long weekends. Another opportunity for promotions if it suits your brand.

Memorial Day Weekend (USA) (Last Monday in May):

Marked by sales events and the start of summer shopping.

Summer Sales (June/July):

Mid-year sales to clear out inventory.

Juneteenth (June 19th 2024) (USA)

A federal holiday in the United States commemorating the end of slavery, important for brands to be aware of.

Independence Day (USA) (July 4, 2024):

Sales on patriotic and summer-related items.

Amazon Prime Day (July 23, 2024)

If you aren’t on Amazon plan for your sales to dip - unless you plan to do a promotion too!

August Bank Holiday (UK) (26 August 2024)

Often coincides with end-of-summer sales or the launch of new products or collections.

Back-to-School (July-Sept 2024):

While students may not be enthusiastic about the return to classes, ecommerce businesses can capitalize on the back-to-school season. Promote relevant products such as school supplies, clothing, and electronics to capture the attention of students and parents.

Labor Day (US) (September 2, 2024):

Labor Day weekend traditionally signals the end of summer, and consumers often seek sales and promotions. Plan your marketing campaigns accordingly, offering end-of-season discounts and promotions to attract shoppers looking for deals.

Columbus Day (USA) (Second Monday in October):

Some retailers offer discounts and promotions.

Halloween (October 31, 2024):

Embrace the spooky season with Halloween-themed promotions and products. 

Veterans Day (November 11, 2024) (USA):

Discounts in honor of veterans and military personnel.

Singles Day (November 11 2024) (Asia + Worldwide)

24-hour shopping holiday festival usually linked to shopping discounts

Thanksgiving Day (Fourth Thursday in November) (USA)

Black Friday sales often start on Thanksgiving Day.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday (November 29 and December 2, 2024)

The biggest shopping weekend of the year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are critical for ecommerce success

Green Monday (December 9, 2024)

Green Monday is a great opportunity for retailers to offer last-minute deals and capture the attention of procrastinating shoppers.

Free Shipping Day (Mid-December)

Many retailers offer free shipping to attract last-minute shoppers.

Christmas (December 25, 2024)

The peak of the holiday season, Christmas, is a time for giving and receiving. Develop festive marketing campaigns, offer holiday-themed promotions, and ensure timely shipping to accommodate the increased demand during this period.

Boxing Day Sales (December 26, 2024) (UK)

Traditional post-Christmas sales.

End-of-Year Clearance Sales (Late December)

Clearing out inventory before the new year.

Staying abreast of key dates in the ecommerce calendar is essential for creating impactful marketing strategies and driving sales throughout the year. By strategically planning your campaigns around these key dates, you can enhance customer engagement, boost brand loyalty, and make 2024 a successful year for your ecommerce business.


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