The Pre-Peak Slow-Down - What To Do When Revenue Slumps Ahead of Black Friday

It’s a tricky time of year - performance dips and Meta often experiences bugs and issues as they prep their machine for the peak season. 

You can use this time to build up your warm audiences while traffic is less expensive,  build anticipation, engage your audience, and set the stage for a successful Black Friday campaign. There are also some tips and tricks for ensuring your approach to media-buying on Google and Facebook is preparing you for a strong peak season. 

The first and most important thing is to not try to fight it with putting more and more money on ads. We are firm believers when a customer is in the mood to shop they will and visa versa. So focus on efficiency and live to fight another day. While you don’t want to pull back completely - you can certainly reallocate the spend to later in the month where you can see historical trends are better or if you are running a promotion. 

Optimize Your Website and build landing pages:

  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly.

  • Implement clear and user-friendly navigation.

  • Double-check your product pages for accurate information and high-quality images.

  • Do a push to get more reviews and video testimonials for your products 

  • Create or revamp your landing pages 

Email Marketing:

  • Start building your email list by offering incentives like exclusive discounts or sweepstakes and competitions

  • Plan and schedule email campaigns to gradually build excitement.

  • Consider ideas like getting subscribers to guess or vote on your offer, or running an exclusive sweepstake or competition to your list

  • Aim to increase engagement as much as possible on your list to ensure deliverability. 

Social Media Engagement:

  • Create a content calendar for the quiet period that focusses more on nurture content - create longer video, reels etc that will fill your funnel with traffic to retarget when peak hits. 

  • Share teasers, behind-the-scenes content, and user-generated content.

Content Marketing:

  • Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging blog posts designed to nurture your audience and inform them about their future product purchase .

  • Use SEO techniques to drive organic traffic to your website.

  • Share blog content through email and social media.

Paid Ads Strategy:

  • Allocate a portion of your ad budget to build brand awareness, or video views - these audiences can be heavily retargeted once peak season hits

  • Run lead-capture campaigns designed to get more people on your list you can nurture ahead of peak season. You can run them with the lead-ad format or drive people to a page. 

  • Offering a giveaway or sweepstake can create excitement around your products and gain permission from people to email 

Influencer Marketing:

  • Collaborate with influencers in your niche to promote your products.

  • Leverage influencer reach to create buzz around your Black Friday deals.

  • Monitor influencer partnerships closely for optimal ROI.

Promotions and Teasers:

  • Be careful not to launch these too soon - they will throttle your evergreen campaign performance, but when the time is right - start dropping hints. 

  • Begin teasing your Black Friday deals without revealing all the details.

  • Offer exclusive pre-Black Friday discounts for early bird shoppers.

  • Run limited-time promotions to keep the audience engaged.

Customer Service Readiness:

  • Ensure your customer support team is prepared for increased inquiries.

  • Set up live chat, chatbots, or additional staff if necessary.

  • Provide excellent customer service to create a positive experience.

There is never a dull moment in eCommerce, and now is the time to lay the foundations for a bumper season. Hold on to your hat and get ready to GO when the shopping starts to pick up!

Don’t forget, our team are here to help accelerate your eCommerce business with Facebook, Google, TikTok and Pinterest ads and Klaviyo email marketing. 

Let’s chat about your business and goals - email us on


Your Peak Season Campaign Checklist


The Art and Science of the Perfect Black Friday Offer.