12 Ad Creative Frameworks to Bust Your Idea Rut and Spark Innovation

Are you feeling stuck in a creative rut, struggling to generate new ideas? Don't worry, we've all been there! When you're stuck for ideas - applying a framework can help jumpstart your creative juices. In this blog, we'll share 12 creative frameworks that the Webtopia team use to jump start an ad account. 

Problem / Solution:

The classic "Problem / Solution" framework is a timeless way to spark creativity. Identify a problem that your audience faces, then brainstorm unique and effective solutions. By focusing on solving real-world issues, you can create meaningful and impactful ideas that resonate with your target audience.

Features Point Out Image:

If you're looking for a simple way to showcase a products selling points, the "Features Point Out Image" framework can be a game-changer. Use visuals to highlight key features, benefits, and functionalities of your offering. Visualommunication can often convey more than words alone, making this framework a powerful tool for engaging your audience.

UGC Compilation or ‘Mashup’:

Leverage user-generated content (UGC) to create a compelling narrative. Compile user testimonials, reviews, photos, or videos that showcase the positive experiences your customers have had with your brand in a longer form mashup of to supercharge impact. This not only builds credibility but also fosters a sense of community around your product or service.

Press Screenshot:

If your brand has received positive media coverage, flaunt it! Utilize the "Press Screenshot" framework to curate snippets of articles, reviews, or interviews that highlight your achievements. This not only boosts your brand's credibility but also demonstrates your industry influence.


Unboxing videos and content have gained immense popularity, and for good reason. Unveiling a product or service in a creative and exciting way can capture your audience's attention. Use the "Unboxing" framework to generate anticipation and curiosity around your offerings

UGC Post-it-notes:

Take UGC to the next level with the "UGC Post-it-notes" framework. Grab a pen and write your hook on a post-it note, stick it next to your product - and voila - an ad that pops!  You can create even more engaging content by showcasing these notes in various creative settings.

Before & After:

The "Before & After" framework is a powerful way to showcase transformation and progress. Whether it's a physical transformation, a process improvement, or a personal journey, presenting the contrast between the "before" and "after" stages can tell a compelling story.

Us vs Them:

Highlight what sets you apart from the competition using the "Us vs Them" framework. Create engaging content that showcases your brand's unique selling points and positions you as the superior choice in your industry.

5 Reasons Why:

Condense your message into bite-sized content by employing the TikTok style "5 Reasons Why" framework. Whether you're presenting the benefits of your product, the value of your service, or the importance of a particular idea, organizing your content around three key points can make it more memorable and impactful.

TikTok Response:

Tap into the viral sensation of TikTok by creating content in response to trending challenges or topics. The "TikTok Response" framework allows you to join conversations, showcase your brand's personality, and engage with a younger audience.

Founders Ads:

Personalize your brand by sharing the story behind its inception. The "Founders Ads" framework enables you to humanize your brand by narrating the challenges, motivations, and inspirations that led to its creation.

‘I Thought I Was Doomed to Have a Problem…' 

Connect with your audience on an emotional level using storytelling. The "I Thought I Was Doomed to Have a Problem…" framework presents relatable stories of challenges faced and overcome, making your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

These 12 creative frameworks are designed to breathe fresh air into your idea generation process taking you from a blank sheet of paper, to ready to test quick-smartness. . Whether you're focused on problem-solving, showcasing your brand, leveraging user-generated content, or embracing storytelling, these frameworks can help you break through creative blocks and deliver impactful content to your audience.


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