Ten Tips for Facebooks Ads - From Our Team of Experts
We asked all of our agency media buyer experts to share their top tips for Facebook Ads & here’s what we got…
Creative (that's the video or image you use in your ad) needs to be direct and to-the-point about what the product is and who it is for. It should be smack-you-in-the-face obvious. Confused people don't click and confused people definitely don't buy.
Have a strong 'angle' or 'hook' for each ad. Don't try to put all of your features and benefits into the ad. Think of the most important reason to buy your product and make that the focus of the ad.
With audiences, one size does not fit all. If broad audiences work in one ad account it doesn't mean they will work in another. Always start testing with BOTH targeted audiences (but I would still recommend approx 1 million) versus really broad audiences (depending on country, gender etc these can go up to multiple millions!). For broad - it can be NO interests, just age/gender/location. Or put in 1 interest with expanded interests ON.
Make sure there's no wasted space in the first 3 lines of text before 'read more' appears on your ad. If a user reaches the point of reading your ad text (usually after reviewing creative and headline) then you only have 3 lines to get to a click. Make sure every single word of those 3 lines delivers powerful messaging.
Testing is key and that goes for every part of your ad. Even the CTA button! Try and test as much variants as possible to really see what connects with your audience. "Learn More" is a nice option to the more obvious "Shop Now" for cold audiences, as they might not want to commit without prior awareness. With "Learn More", you have more possibilities to connect with their intentions and feelings and to persuade them to click through.
Email lists are such a powerful tool and they are proved really useful when creating audiences. It is therefore super important to update the list every other month, to ensure that you are indeed targeting your full customer list!
When your warm/hot retargeting has too fragmented results, use consolidated approaches to avoid budget dilution. This will help you focusing on the freshness of the audience (and of the message conveyed) than segmenting too much between on/off-platform groups.
If you aren't a single-product brand, balance out dynamic with manually-uploaded creatives (in COLD too!). It will give your campaigns a good alternation between a more human tailored ad content and an algorithmic research through values and parameters.
Ensuring Liquidity AKA increasing cashflow throughout FB campaigns by having diversity of audiences tested and diversity of ad formats in each ad set, and that way ensuring relaxation in the campaign delivery and speeding up the machine learning.
Dynamic Ads targeting cold audiences are like ads on steroids, it’s always worth a shot testing them on Broad and Lookalikes and it’s important to have products sets if there too many products in the catalog with different values to ensure the right budget allocation.